
shelling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Heavy shelling and fighting raged throughout the bosnian capital overnight .
- 密集的炮击和枪击在波斯尼亚首都肆虐了整晚。
- After the shelling , it refused to condemn the north .
- 在韩国遭到炮击后,它也拒绝谴责朝鲜。
- Government forces are again shelling homs , the country 's battered third city .
- 政府军队再次炮击该国千疮百孔的第三大城市霍姆斯。
- As the shelling continued , you heard urgent shouts calling angrily for help .
- 炮击在持续,你能听到他们迫切呼吁帮助的愤怒声音。
- Pro-gadhafi forces continued shelling as battles raged around the town of brega on thursday .
- 星期四布雷加镇的战斗更加激烈,亲卡扎菲的军队继续炮击。
- No state can be allowed to get away with shelling its neighbour and killing their soldiers .
- 没有一个政府能被允许炮击邻国、杀死对方的士兵而不受惩罚。
- Shelling has also continued unabated around the major cities of hama and homs , north of damascus .
- 在大马士革北部主要城市哈马和霍姆斯的周边地区,炮击也丝毫未减弱。
- Videos from around the country purported to show gunfire , shelling and corpses from violence over the weekend .
- 叙利亚公布了周末的暴力的录像,显示冲突中的交火、炮击和死尸。
- One morning there is an especially loud sound of shelling ; echoes bounce off jebel zawiya 's hills .
- 某日清晨,炮击声格的外响,震耳欲聋的爆炸声在扎维耶的山峦间回响。
- But government shelling and aerial bombing , countered by relentless guerrilla attacks , continue across large swathes of the country .
- 但是政府炮击和空袭,以及无情的游击战争反击,都在该国大片地区继续进行着。