
n.<美>佃农( sharecropper的名词复数 )
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- It 's a 1941 color photo of georgia sharecroppers working a rented cotton field .
- 那是一张1941年的彩色照片,照片中乔治亚小佃农们正在承包的棉花地里劳作。
- In bangladesh , a cash-transfer program kicks in if families meet one of only a few criteria for eligibility : working as day laborers , as sharecroppers , or in one of a few low-paid occupations such as fishing or weaving ; belonging to a female-headed household ; or owning less than half an acre of land .
- 孟加拉国实行一个现金转移支付计划,前提是家庭满足以下条件的任意一个:散工,小佃农,或在几个低薪职业(如钓鱼或编织),属于女性户主的家庭,或拥有不到半英亩的土地。
- Even today , a relatively small landed gentry controls the bulk of the country 's most productive terrain , while millions of peasants have no plots of their own and are forced to eke out a miserable living as sharecroppers or migrate to the amazon in search of a plot of land they can call their own .
- 直到今天,数量上相对较少的贵族控制着国家大量的最高产的土地,而几百万的农民却没有属于自己的土地,他们被迫过着凄惨的生活,以收益分成的佃农身份搬到亚马逊地区来寻求一块属于他们自己的土地。