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- And the cost of sequencing and synthesising dna is falling fast .
- 然后,dna测序和合成的成本就能迅速下降。
- In that case , genome-wide sequencing of patients is at least several years off .
- 在这种情形下,患者广泛的全基因组测序至少需要进行几年。
- He says that when whole-genome sequencing arrives , single-gene patents will be of no use .
- 他说当全基因组测序到来之后,单基因的专利将毫无用处。
- Nanopore sequencing can cope with much longer strands , which should help speed things up .
- 纳米孔测序可以给更长的片段测序,这有助于提高测序速度。
- Technology has moved apace , dramatically reducing costs and making genome sequencing fairly routine .
- 在技术快速发展而成本大幅降低的今天,对基因组进行测序已经很普遍了。
- Moreover , existing sequencing techniques involve breaking dna into small chunks of less than 100 base pairs .
- 而且现有的测序技术要把dna破碎成少于100个碱基对的小片段。
- The needle-in-the-haystack hunt for the infrequent mutations was aided by next-generation sequencing technology .
- 对不常见突变这种大海捞针式的搜寻得到下一代测序技术的支持。
- Mr wang is a co-founder of bgi , the world 's biggest genetic sequencing company .
- 汪建是全球最大的基因测序公司华大基因(bgi)的联合创始人。
- The high schoolers extracted and amplified the tea dna and then sent it to a sequencing facility .
- 这几位高中学生提取并扩增了茶叶dna,然后将之送去基因公司测序。
- The researchers behind this new study are already at work using the new single-strand sequencing technique to reexamine older specimens .
- 从事这项新研究的研究人员已经在利用单束测序技术重新检查更早的标本了。