It 's the same with zoos and circuses , which they claim sensitize people to animals when it actually does the opposite ; it desensitizes us to the use and abuse of animals .
The allergen in jackfruit does not on its own sensitize the immune system , but once birch pollen has done the job , the immune system may react to jackfruit too .
Let the hearts of those receiving sensitize the heart of the one conveying so that you may directly guide this time and that this hour may be a time of giving and taking with the father .
In a literal sense what it does is decrease hepatic glucose which is increased in diabetes where as glitazones act to sensitize the liver and adipose tissue and muscle to insulin like effects .
The more we sensitize ourselves to the subtle ways that we have hurt our partners , the more we enable our feelings of love to blossom .
Flirt with the feather tickler , designed to sensitize and tantalize .
The association aims to sensitize employers to the problems faced by left-handed people in the workplace .
One major goal of ethics education is to sensitize people to ethical problems in the specific contexts of their daily lives and to empower them to ethical decision making .