
n.秘书处,书记处( secretariat的名词复数 )
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- Liaise , as appropriate , with the secretariats of other relevant international bodies .
- 酌情与其他相关国际机构的秘书处进行联络。
- Note : the relevant extract of the meeting notes were prepared in chinese by the district council secretariats , and confirmed by district councils .
- 注:有关会议记录的摘录由有关区议会秘书处以中文撰写,并已获该区议会确认。
- They form a flexible cadre available on short notice in response to country requests or requests transmitted by the secretariats of regional commissions .
- 受聘人应成为一支灵活机动的骨干力量,随时准备对各国或各区域委员会秘书处提出的要求作出反应。
- Contracting parties to international agreements , in consultation with the appropriate secretariats of relevant international conventions as appropriate , should improve practices and procedures for collecting information on legal and regulatory measures taken .
- 国际协定的签约国在与有关国际文书的秘书处协商下,应改善关于其法律措施和条例措施的作法与程序的资料。