Apart from the distinct advantage of not having to scrub the tide-mark of scum from around the bath rim when you have a shower ( or is that just me ? )
And stephen hawking famously said , we 're just a chemical scum on the surface of a typical planet , that 's in orbit around a typical star , which is on the outskirts of a typical galaxy , and so on .
Journalists get labelled as " scum " and " feral beasts " not just because of the stitch-up techniques some use , or the fact that it 's pretty much impossible for most individuals to sue for libel without going mad or bankrupt .
" You will fall into the endless darkness and abyss of misery hated by billions " read one post , labeling wang a " beast " and " scum . "
Immediately after the bodies were put in the coffins , the crowd surged , yelling " beast ! Scum ! "
Controversially , he adopted banlieue jargon , such as racaille ( scum ) to refer to criminal thugs , and talked about taking a k & auml ; rcher , or industrial power-hose , to them .
Despite the fact that you consciously decided to spend a period of your life exclusively involved with this person , they are now the most horrible scum of the universe .
In response , pyongyang cut off all ties last year , halted cooperation on key joint projects and vilified lee as " human scum . "
Nor have the public shied away from using their choice of words to vent their feelings : " looters are scum " was the verdict emblazoned on the t-shirt of a woman helping with the clean-up in london .