
n.电影剧本作家,编剧家( screenwriter的名词复数 )
screenwriters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It is important to study successful screenwriters to learn the techniques and tricks of the trade that have helped some screenwriters write one hit movie after another .
- 向杰出剧作者学习的过程中,重要的是研究帮助他们屡屡创作出卖座电影的写作技巧和一些巧妙的商业策略。
- But according to screenwriters christopher markus and stephen mcfeely , captain america creates a world that will allow for more wwii-era flicks with the hero .
- 但根据剧作者克里斯托弗马库斯和斯蒂芬麦克菲力的说法创造一个世界美国队长创立了一个世界,在这里允许更多二战时期一闪而过的英雄。
- Only by becoming directors can screenwriters retain control over their work .
- 剧作家只有当了导演,才能控制他们的作品。
- In the uk , only 6 per cent of film directors and 12 per cent of screenwriters are women .
- 英国只有6%的导演和12%的银幕作家是女人。
- Free marketing news for aspiring screenwriters .
- 自由市场动态,为有抱负的编剧.
- Do you want to meet stars , directors and screenwriters from around the world ?
- 你希望和来自世界各地的明星、导演和编剧会面吗?
- It 's just the way the movie business works , and the reason more and more screenwriters are considering writing books .
- 这就是电影行业内的规矩,也反映出了为什么越来越多的剧作家现在会开始移情写书。
- Several screenwriters have produced books that are helpful to the novice screenwriter . You 'll get invaluable tips and instruction in many of these books .
- 有几位编剧都写了对新手很有帮助的书,你可以从中获得宝贵的指点和秘诀。
- Commentary by director jonathan kaplan , screenwriters charlie haas and tim hunter and producer george litto .
- 导演乔纳森卡普兰,编剧评论查理哈斯和蒂姆亨特和制片乔治利托评论。
- Often projects are sold to studios who then assign their own preferred screenwriters to complete the script or write the final draft .
- 经常项目主要销往工作室,那么谁转让自己的首选编剧,完成稿件的或写的最后草案。