Mix the nitro with sawdust , and you have a nice plastic explosive .
Others had greatcoats tied over their heads ; some had their mouths stuffed with sawdust .
The miners survived by eating sawdust , tree bark , paper and even coal . Some strapped themselves to the walls of the shafts with their belts to avoid drowning while they slept .
These animals are fed the cheapest feed available which is likely to contain toxic grain that has failed inspection for human consumption and can also contain fillers such as sawdust , newspaper , and cardboard .
Whenever you eat food that 's derived from an animal , you 're also eating what the animal ate , and this includes the pesticides , antibiotics , hormones , sawdust , newspaper and cardboard that they were fed .
He bought an aquarium installed the wipers in it filled the tank with a mixture of oil and sawdust to simulate a load on the wiper and set it over on phyllis 's side of the basement .
He was coated with sawdust and filled with hay for hungry farm animals .
The miners survived by eating sawdust , tree bark , paper and even coal .
When she put her hand to her nose , she could smell a bit of the gas already , cutting into her lungs like sawdust .
They started with concrete , and when that failed they poured in 60 kilograms of sawdust , eight kilograms of polymer and three bags of shredded newspaper into the pit .