

v.(动物)凶狠地攻击(或伤害)( savage的现在分词 );残害;猛烈批评;激烈抨击

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With the markets savaging bonds issued by " peripheral " countries such greece , ireland and portugal , he proposed that euro-zone members should issue collective " e-bonds " for up to 40 % of the euro zone 's gdp .
The bishop of lyon 's influential volume sought to unify the christian church by savaging alternative views and interpretations , referred to as " fictitious histor ( ies ) . "
After savaging the financial markets , the credit crisis has broken loose into the real economy .
They believe they are at a disadvantage to us banks , which can shift their holdings to a cost basis more easily and escape the savaging of asset values in today 's markets .
Cutting back public services , savaging pension entitlements and imposing a regime of near zero interest rates that guarantees negative returns for ordinary savers does not have the same devastating impact as hyperinflation or full scale deflation .
At the time , many economists said that greece would struggle to generate enough economic growth to escape a sovereign debt burden which equaled about 150 per cent of gross domestic product while savaging government spending .