Without the consent in writing of the salvor , the vessel or other property salved shall not be removed from the port or place at which they first arrived after the completion of the salvage operations , until satisfactory security prescribed in paragraphs of this clause has been provided .
With luck , the resolution will be shelved and turkey , its pride salved , will rethink its policies .
Look at me , say you do no wrong , your english still can be salved .
Such payment , if made in advance by the salved party according to the aforesaid award of the arbitration tribunal , shall be deducted accordingly from the sum provided as security .
If the salvor has reason to believe that the party salved is to or attempts to violate the provision of this paragraph , the salvor is entitled to apply for measure of property security .
Article 189 the court or the arbitration organization handling the salvor 's claim for payment may , in light of the specific circumstances and under fair and just terms , decide or make an award ordering the party salved to pay on account an appropriate amount to the salvor .
In line with democritus , epicurus espoused an atomistic metaphysics but combined and justified it with a brand of therapeutic hedonism , in which the anxieties of contemporary life were salved by the pursuit of pleasure without fear of divine punishment .
" Payment " means any reward , remuneration or compensation for salvage operations to be paid by the salved party to the salvor pursuant to the provisions of this chapter .
Article 183 the salvage reward shall be paid by the owners of the salved ship and other property in accordance with the respective proportions which the salved values of the ship and other property bear to the total salved value .