
v.欢迎,致敬( salute的现在分词 );赞扬,赞颂
saluting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some pages are adorned with large u.s. flags or drawings of tiny uniformed soldiers saluting or praying .
- 有些信纸上画著大大的美国国旗做装饰,也有些画著穿著全套制服的小小士兵正在敬礼或祈祷。
- Tonight , we stand united in saluting the troops and civilians who sacrifice every day to protect us .
- 今晚,我们站在一起,向牺牲自我保护我们的军人和其他公民致敬。
- President bush thanks armed forces at ' saluting those who serve ' event .
- 布什在“向为国服兵役者致敬”活动中向武装力量致谢。
- For centuries , indians have been sun saluting , warrior posing and applying the natural antiseptic turmeric to their wounds .
- 几个世纪以来,印度人一直在做着太阳致敬式、战士式等瑜伽姿势,使用天然的姜黄杀菌法治疗受伤。
- And then , to make matters worse , they notice people saluting next to hitler 's waxwork .
- 更糟的是,那时他们看到有人站在希特勒蜡像旁行军礼。
- The old gentleman walked along the avenue saluting his friends .
- 那位老先生沿大道行走,向他的老朋友们打着招呼。
- The way we saluting flags , wrapping them around our heads .
- 我们挥舞旗帜的方式,是把它们绑在我们的头上。
- Umanath said aloud to the master , " sir , here is mother saluting you . "
- 乌玛那特大声地对师父说:“先生,母亲在此向你顶礼了。”
- This seemed akin to , say , saluting bp for services to the environment or praising facebook for its commitment to privacy .
- 这看起来,似乎和奖励bp努力于环境保护和赞赏facebook致力于隐私保护有些相似。
- President obama , in saluting the bill 's passage , did insist that the u.s. not discriminate against imports .
- 奥巴马总统在法案通过的致辞中曾坚称美国不会搞进口歧视。