

salable 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Your quartz clocks are quite salable on our market .
- 你们的石英钟在市场上卖得不错。
- Net amount of fair value of salable finanical asset .
- 可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额。
- " Forever " multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be salable in your market .
- 永世牌变速赛车在你们的市场上肯定是很畅销。
- She was a slave , and salable as such .
- 她是个奴隶,既然是奴隶,也就可以出卖。
- Currencies work like any other salable good in that they adjust based on supply and demand .
- 货币和其他基于供需而调整的可销品一样运作。
- Sales cost = the salable areas realized * unit engineering cost of the salable areas .
- 销售成本=已实现销售的可售面积×可售面积单位工程成本。
- The exporters wish to find out if their products are salable on foreign markets .
- 出口商希望查明他们的产品能否在国外市场上销售。
- Black tea and longjin tea are salable in our market .
- 红茶和龙井茶在我们那很好卖。
- In the other hand , they have o lot of salable technology , such as technology of environmental protection .
- 另一方面,他们掌握了很多紧俏的具有绝对竞争力的项目,如环保节能技术。
- He raised quite large and salable crops of hay and oats , to say nothing of his own vegetables and fruit .
- 他自己用的蔬菜和水果固不待言,他还培植了许多可销售的大最干草和燕麦。