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- The car , a peugeot 504 estate , should have been on a scrap heap every window was cracked , every visible inch of metal rusted .
- 这辆车是标志504,本应该早扔到废品堆里去的每扇窗子都裂开了,每寸可见的金属都生锈了。
- The dry conditions and lack of atmospheric oxygen mean that the stuff has not rusted , says geoffrey landis of nasa 's glenn research center in cleveland , ohio .
- 俄亥俄州克里夫兰市美国国家航空航天局格伦研究中心的杰弗里兰迪斯说,火星环境干燥,而且大气中缺乏氧气,这意味着那里的铁没有生锈。
- Lights from a submersible penetrate the rusted ruin oftitanic 's first-class promenade , once as inviting as a similar deck on the olympic ( below ) .
- 潜水探照灯光打在塔坦尼克号的头等舱散步甲板生锈的废墟上,曾经是与下图奥林匹克号一样引人入胜的甲板。
- Over the years , I 've had to take some down when they rusted out and have replaced them with others .
- 在过去的许多年里,我不得不把生锈的雕塑拆掉,然后换上其它的。
- Some branches are literally rotten , their concrete walls covered in slime and window bars rusted .
- 一些银行分支已经名副其实的“腐烂”了,它们的墙壁上覆盖着点点泥污,窗子上的护栏也已生锈。
- Their " toilet life " was short , three months at maximum , because of their quality ; they frequently rusted or broke .
- 它们的“厕所寿命”很短,最多3个月,因为质量不行;经常生锈或坏掉。
- This basic rusted steel box ( it rises to 15.2 metres or 50 feet ) , which was built in 11 months and opened in the summer of 2006 , is an ingenious way of managing the transition between the old and the new .
- 这个基本生锈的钢质剧场(15.2米或50英尺高)花了11个月建成,在2006年夏季开张,是新旧过渡的巧妙方式。
- Some people have called for its removal , complaining that it quickly rusted .
- 很多人要求把她拆掉,因为他们抱怨这会生锈。
- As proof they parade a collection of captured pipe bombs and rusted firearms .
- 一堆被虏获的雷管炸弹和腐蚀生锈的武器即为证明。
- And you can pour vinegar on rusted hinges and screws to loosen them up for removal .
- 另外你可以把醋倒在生锈的铰链和螺丝上使它们松动。