英音  ['rʌnˌɔ:f]    
美音 [ˈrʌnˌɔf, -ˌɑf]    



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India 's capital has come to rely for half its water on dams in the himalaya range that capture monsoon runoff .
Other environmental pressures to the reef and its ecosystem include water quality from runoff , climate change accompanied by mass coral bleaching , and cyclic outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish .
Coastal environments are especially challenging because sediment , river runoff full of organic matter , and complex currents , can also change the reflection in the sunglint area .
But those near the main hawaiian island population centers are under pressure from sediment found in runoff , overfishing and invasive algae .
In mountainous areas , officials need accurate reports of snowpack depth to assess the threat of avalanches or floods , and to anticipate the amount of water available from spring and summer runoff .
A similar , and often more acute , challenge faces more than 1 billion city-dwellers in other parts of the world who rely on glacial runoff for their water .
Because the majority of the runoff that fosters the dead zone enters the river farther upstream , this would require the involvement of states that are far from the gulf , setting up significant jurisdictional and political hurdles .
There was scientific proof that these chemicals were making their way into the nation 's drinking water through street and farm runoff , leakages from underground disposal tanks , and factory waste .
A year after its creation , a federal-state working group on wednesday released a preliminary strategy for addressing long-term environmental problems along the gulf coast , including the disappearance of wetlands and a seasonal dead zone caused by runoff from the mississippi into the gulf of mexico .
The smart way to protect against nitrogen runoff is to reduce synthetic fertilizer applications with taxes , regulations , and cuts in farm subsidies , but not try to go all the way to zero as required by the official organic standard .