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The korea stock exchange has signed a memorandum of understanding with deutsche b ? Rse and is exploring the possibility of cross - border trading and clearing between both markets .
Nasdaq and ice were seeking to derail an agreed merger between the nyse and germany 's deutsche b rse but on monday withdrew their proposal , adding that they were " surprised and disappointed " by the doj 's decision .
At 19 % above deutsche b rse 's offer and 27 % above nyse euronext 's share price before that deal , the hostile bid is certainly generous .
For the chief executives of deutsche b rse ( db ) and nyse euronext , this week 's hobnobbing in davos was strictly business .
Shares of deutsche b rse were 41.80 friday and are down 21 % year to date .
It is hard to see deutsche b rse 's shareholders , many of which are american , advocating an exodus to frankfurt .
So far , exchange executives have agreed to hive off contracts that overlap , refrain from lifting some trading fees , and grant rivals access to deutsche b rse 's clearinghouse .
Nyse euronext said it would stick with a merger bid proposed by deutsche b rse , rejecting a rival , and higher , offer made jointly by nasdaq omx and intercontinentalexchange .
In new york , the german and us groups appeared to have neutralised a backlash against the prospect of the new york stock exchange being absorbed in a group whose majority shareholders are from deutsche b rse .
As expected the european commission blocked a proposed merger between nyse euronext and deutsche b rse , mostly over competition concerns given that the combined exchanges would control more than 90 % of the market for exchange-traded derivatives in europe .
