A sharp devaluation of the belarusian rouble in may and a large current-account deficit have left the economy tottering .
Above all , russian business is losing competitiveness as both costs and the rouble rise faster than productivity .
The central bank has now indicated that it might tighten monetary policy , yet it still wants to defend the rouble .
It might seem unlikely but , then again , no one at the beginning of 1992 thought the rouble zone would fall apart .
With urals blend still around $ 43 , the rouble 's value currently looks in the right ballpark .
Russia 's heavy-handed response to georgia alarmed foreign investors , accelerating a capital outflow that has undermined the rouble and depleted foreign currency reserves .
And while many buy russian debt issued in euros and dollars , they have largely ignored the local rouble market because it is so difficult to navigate .
The real and the rouble were higher by 3.7 per cent and 3.4 per cent .
No large bank failed and the rouble 's slow-motion devaluation , though costly for reserves , prevented bank runs that would have evoked memories of its 1998 default .