

n.裂缝( rift的名词复数 );裂隙;分裂;不和

rifts 变化形式

易混淆的单词: RIFTS

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His ideas can be seen as having inspired efforts by others to establish a dialogue between civilisations to help heal the rifts he identified .
But rifts between officials in the currency union widened in tokyo as debates brewed about how to alter the currency bloc 's focus on fiscal austerity .
Ahmadinejad , 52 , faces divisions within his own political support base , and the disputed election has exposed rifts within the clergy , with several senior clerics siding with the opposition .
Afghanistan has exposed two big rifts among the allies .
Sebold 's book is about the mind of a young girl , the reactions of a family to tragedy , the flaws that become enormous rifts under the pressures of grief . And it 's about heaven .
Rumours of rifts between mr mubarak and the military had been circulating earlier in cairo , and of the president scrambling to find anyone to fill the new government he promised .
Curling up in bed and falling asleep together keeps the connection alive between the two of you , so if you 're constantly on the computer while they go to bed alone it could cause some rifts between the two of you .
Deep rifts have emerged between the party 's left and right wings .
Foreshadowing the rifts within europe today , hamilton 's plan was deeply divisive .
Sebold 's book is about the mind of a young girl , the reactions of a family to tragedy , the flaws that become enormous rifts under the pressures of grief .