A short , contained operation that either quickly rids libya of col gaddafi 's cynical rule , or isolates him to the point where he can be removed by the rebel movement , is what libyans and other arabs yearning for change are hoping for .
Another tweak readers may appreciate : " refreshing , " a flashing effect that rids the screen of any e-ink artifacts , happens a lot less .
As one grows old , one generally rids himself of his short-comings because they no longer serve any useful purpose .
He is given a potion by some druids , which banishes all memory of his recent adventures and which also rids his wife emer of the pangs of jealousy .
The research showed tumour cells were more likely to undergo apoptosis , a process when the body rids itself of damaged and potentially dangerous cells .
" When will you learn that a father isn 't someone you can lean on but someone who rids you of your tendency to lean " ?