

n.修订( revision的名词复数 );修改;修订本;复习
revisions 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The persistent downward revisions to gdp growth do look suspicious .
- 持续的向下修订gdp增幅确实看上去很诡异。
- If you work on a per-project basis , avoid excessive revisions proposed by clients .
- 如果你正着手进行一个单项项目,要避免客户过分的修改。
- On july 29th america 's government statisticians published revisions to the past few years of gdp statistics .
- 7月29日美国政府公布了对过去几年gdp数据的修改版本。
- All you can decide is what you think now and you need to be prepared to keep making revisions .
- 唯一你能做出的决定是你现在在想什么,你需要准备好不断修改自己的决定。
- Officials say revisions to the regulations on rural evictions are being considered .
- 官方则表示正在考虑将关于农村迫迁的问题加入修订版本。
- The publication last week of revisions to earlier gdp data explains some of the discrepancy .
- 上周发表的对先前国内生产总值数据的修订版解释了一些矛盾之处。
- My estimates are meant to anticipate the revisions that will come with the survey data .
- 我的估计值是为了预测修订后的数据,以便与调查数据相一致。
- The senate environment and public works committee continues gathering evidence on revisions to the 30-year-old toxic substances control act .
- 美国参议院环境和公共工程委员会继续为修订有30年历史的有毒物质控制法*收集证据。
- The new revisions solve the puzzle , but only up to the end of the spring of last year .
- 这次新的修订解开了这个谜,但是只涉及到了到去年春季末为止的情况。
- Those revisions far exceed the impact of controversial derivative transactions greece used to help mask the size of its debt and deficit numbers .
- 这些修订的影响大大超越了希腊用于帮助掩盖其债务规模和赤字数字的有争议的衍生产品交易的影响。