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v.(给…)更换工具, (给…)更换机械设备( retool的现在分词 );改组,革新

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A retooling of the u.s. history program is also under way .
As for the vital challenge of retooling us education , neither candidate seems interested .
Figuring things out takes practice , failure , retooling one 's plans , and trying an alternate route if necessary .
Some of the recent spending in south america involves retooling armies that used to repress their own populations for new roles , such as peacekeeping or amazonian surveillance .
Indeed , an important aspect of the changing nature of jobs appears to be that an increasing number of workers are facing the likelihood that they will need retooling during their careers .
People need to understand that thinking is an acquired skill . Figuring things out takes practice , failure , retooling one 's plans , and trying an alternate route if necessary .
David cole , director of the centre for automotive research , an industry body , estimates that such retooling could cost at least $ 100 billion .
In his letter , mr. buffett explained that he has been retooling berkshire into a capital-intensive industrial conglomerate with big holdings in railroads and utilities and less exposure to cash-generating financial operations such as insurance .
For those studying the biology of memory , the properties of pkmzeta promise something grander still : the prospect of retooling the engram factory itself .
We believe retooling of the line has begun or is about to begin at the facility with february as a preliminary time frame for commercial production .