英音  [rɪˈteɪnɪŋ]    


v.保持( retain的现在分词 );拦住;保存;止住

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Boosted by strong growth on the back of rising oil prices , he was able to eliminate rival sources of power while retaining broad popularity .
Dutch baby-boomers have ( until recently ) enjoyed ever higher incomes , while retaining their taste for protesting and being experimental .
Of course most companies have a built-in compulsion to grow , so there is an inherent conflict between retaining human scale and offering career opportunities for ambitious managers .
The wall street journal / nbc news poll found mr. obama retaining a strong advantage on social issues and personal qualities , with voters seeing him as the more compassionate and likable candidate .
Nonetheless , the authorities have been sounding out local and international banks and leading asset managers on the best way to open the market up further while retaining some control over capital flows .
The bank , based in madrid , increased its reserves largely by converting 6.8 billion euros in bonds into shares , retaining profits and selling a stake in its brazilian unit to an outside investor .
Kinetin . By encouraging collagen production , retaining skin moisture and being a potent antioxidant , kinetin may help decrease wrinkles .
They can cope with significant uncertainties in their work , while retaining a sense of confidence and a feel for priorities .
Before it cooled , there was a so-called magma ocean on the moon 's surface - molten rocks , capable of retaining high quantities of water .
And for the country as a whole , we believe improving education is the key to retaining our position of world leadership in all areas , including starting great businesses and doing innovative research .