[rɪˈstɔrətɪv, -ˈstor-]
restorative 变化形式
复数: restoratives
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- Judith is considered a pioneer and leading world authority on restorative yoga and I felt its the perfect book to share with you .
- 朱迪斯是公认的养生瑜伽方面的先驱和世界范围内的权威,我觉得这本优秀的书非常值得与你们分享。
- I 'm a strong believer that quality rest is an exceptionally restorative , nurturing and healing practice .
- 我始终认为高质量的休息是一种特殊的恢复,培养和治疗的做法。
- If restorative yoga speaks to you , then relax and renew relaxing yoga for stressful times is the perfect starting point .
- 如果你打算开始练习养生瑜伽,那么《放松与复元无压时代的放松瑜伽》是最好的开始。
- Sleep is a restorative process that promotes proper body functioning and can improve the quality of your life .
- 睡眠是一个自我恢复的过程,它能促进身体正常运作,提高生活质量。
- Like many areas of dentistry , aesthetic indirect restorative materials have improved significantly in the last decade .
- 象牙科其他许多领域一样,再过去十多年间,美学间接修复材料有了很大的进步。
- The brandy acted as a restorative .
- 喝白兰地酒消除了疲劳。
- Nature is exhilarative and restorative .
- 大自然使人心神愉快并能恢复体力。
- But snoring itself can interrupt sleep enough to prevent you from getting enough restorative rest .
- 但是打鼾本身会严重妨碍睡眠,阻止你获得足够的有效的休息。
- Sleep is the best restorative there is .
- 睡眠是最好的康复良药。
- The allure of these " virgin boy eggs " lies in their alleged energy-boosting and restorative properties .
- 这种蛋的吸引力在于它有所谓的能量补给和滋阴补阳的作用。