respectably 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He did respectably well for his age .
- 考虑到他的年龄,他已经做得很不错了。
- The man seemed poor , but he was respectably dressed .
- 那个男人看上去似乎贫穷,却衣着光鲜穿着体面。
- They live respectably from hand to mouth .
- 他们过着可尊敬的,自食其力的生活。
- The car performs respectably on the motorway , although it is slightly noisy .
- 这辆汽车在公路上的表现性能尚可,虽然有些轻微的噪音。
- Children need to be taught how to respectably treat a puppy .
- 要教导孩子如何对待幼犬回复.
- She had been worried that he might say something to offend her parents , but he behaved q uite respectably all through dinner .
- 她原担心他会说出冒犯她父母的话,但他在整个晚餐中表现得相当得体。
- A respectably dressed young man .
- 穿着体面的年轻人。
- She couldn 't imagine him so inexperienced at a respectably lived age of forty .
- 她不能想象他这样在四十年代经验的体面生活。
- Between that year and 1979 , the income of the median family doubled , and while progress has slowed , it has still grown respectably since then .
- 在1952年和1979年之间,中产阶层的收入翻了一番,但是增速放缓,从那年以后增速仍然明显。
- There are many jobs in which a man may only climb if he is respectably married .
- 有许多种职业,只有体面的已婚男子才可能步步高升。