The new series in which benedict cumberbatch and martin freeman will reprise their roles as sherlock holmes and dr watson is due to begin filming in early 2013 .
Three years ago , michael dooley , david folkerts-landau and peter garber , all economists at deutsche bank , argued that the world economy was enjoying a reprise of the bretton woods era .
The conference is a reprise of a 1999 conference at which mr. bernanke and other academics took japanese officials to task for failing to get their economy moving .
With every institution racking up hefty losses , there was no appetite for a reprise of the deal struck by alan greenspan to bail out long term capital management , the new york hedge fund that had collapsed 10 years earlier .
The financial crisis inspired the former chair of the sec 's " committee to improve financial reporting " to reprise his role as leading wonk for incurable policy puzzles .
There was no explicit mention of surrender or defeat and the broadcast even began with a reprise of the emperor 's original justification for entering the war to ensure japan 's survival and the stability of asia .