

v.重新包装( repackage的现在分词 )

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A typical mortgage-backed securities deal , for example , involves repackaging thousands of mortgages worth hundreds of millions of dollars altogether with each borrower having a different credit history .
America 's financial markets met the global demand for " safe " dollar assets by repackaging the mortgages of marginal borrowers as bonds , which turned sour .
The schemes mix car sharing with partial ownership in some cases and repackaging old-fashioned short-term rental deals through the car companies themselves .
We have been repackaging mortgages into debt instruments for a long time either as mortgage-backed securities or covered bonds .
Financial engineering the creation of new and improved financial products through innovative design or repackaging of existing financial instruments .
Christopher georgiou of ashurst , a law firm , says that banks are creating guaranteed repackaging structures in which assets are pledged as collateral and guaranteed by the bank .
After all , the art of repackaging debt is part of the arcane field of complex finance , while the business of shipping widgets round the world is a tangible , get-your-hands-dirty activity .
More than just a repackaging of various grid components , the layers of this infrastructure expose common services based on core functionality .
With the help of trusts , banks are repackaging loans as investments , analysts say , thereby making room to issue additional loans .
The repackaging of credit is so complex ms. chu and her colleagues often have to resort to line drawings that look like schematic plans for a rube goldberg device to explain to fitch 's clients what 's going on .