

v.追忆,回想( reminisce的过去式和过去分词 )

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The two farmers reminisced about the good old days before the eec agricultural policy .
" I remember she was still a little girl then , " he reminisced .
" I remember the teacher asking what we wanted to be , " he reminisced .
For nearly 12 minutes mr santorum stood in front of journalists and reminisced about his " improbable " campaign .
I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished . I shared your opinion from the l.a. times with my family and reminisced about you as my student at hibbing high school .
After her funeral we had a meal at the church . Attendees didn 't split into groups but sat and reminisced together .
When a cross-country truck driver wrote the tv turn-off network in washington , dc , he reminisced about his childhood , which wasn 't spent in front of what my mother calls , " the boob tube . "
While he found in interviews that many people reminisced fondly about those depression years , we shouldn 't rush to conclude that depressions are happy times .
Onstage at the 2011 fortune most powerful women summit with her big sister , wilderotter reminisced , " every saturday morning , we had jobs in jars and we were responsible to do those to get our allowance . "
This one was poignant , almost melancholic , as kilar reminisced about a company he transformed from an empty office suite in 2007 into one that has attracted more than 3 million paying subscribers and generated $ 700 million in revenue in 2012 .