

v.交出,让给( relinquish的现在分词 );放弃

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But he was uneasy about relinquishing the prime minister 's job , especially as he hopes to trim the president 's power in future .
Since then , the government has had to prove that an individual joined a foreign army with the intention of relinquishing his or her u.s. citizenship .
And by relinquishing her post as prime minister and going into opposition , ms tymoshenko could help ukraine to avoid the paralysis and in-fighting that have plagued it for the past five years .
Only belatedly , under pressure from the renewed protests in tahrir square , have egypt 's generals agreed to set a date for relinquishing at least some of these powers , but only to a president who is not due to be elected before next summer .
On monday the foreign secretary , william hague , said britain was prepared to agree to a political settlement in libya that would see gaddafi remain in the country after relinquishing his hold on power .
Sceptics , who predominate in the israeli and american governments , argue that syria merely wants peace talks with israel as a way to ease the pressure on it , and should show it is serious about relinquishing its influence in lebanon first .
Relinquishing u.s. citizenship is a fairly simple process : after filling in a few forms , and in some cases , paying an exit tax ( based on the applicant 's worldwide income and assets ) , the former citizen receives his canceled passport in the mail .
Being submissive does not mean relinquishing responsibility for who you are : it means bringing the feelings , thoughts , beliefs , and judgments you do have to the attention of your top so that s / he can command that knowledge in directing the scene or relationship .
Many of ms. suu kyi 's backers oppose registration , which could be tantamount to relinquishing their claim to power .
We 're not going to become confucians , but we can elevate education on our list of priorities without relinquishing creativity and independent thought .