
v.重新发动,重新发射( relaunch的过去式和过去分词 )
relaunched 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In january 2011 , london 's metropolitan police service relaunched its probe into phone hacking , and it has since exploded into a big criminal investigation .
- 2011年1月,伦敦警察局重新调查电话窃听案,从那时起此案变成了一起重大刑事调查。
- Spanish prime minister mariano rajoy relaunched a campaign to allow the euro zone 's rescue fund to directly channel the aid money into the country 's lenders , rather than through the governments -- a demand that has previously run aground .
- 西班牙首相拉霍伊(marianorajoy)再次发起了一场旨在使欧元区救助基金获准直接向西班牙放贷机构注资的行动,目前该基金只获准通过政府来注资。