Unfortunately the referee hasn 't blown his whistle yet .
As a referee , you must also be confident and alert enough to overrule your assistant when necessary .
He earns his first paycheck as a baseball referee but wishes that it had been as a writer .
It is not that the official line is wrong but that the imf has failed to challenge orthodoxy , forfeiting its role as a valuable referee in the policy debates .
By aligning politicians selectively in support of producers , it blurs the vital distinction between players and referee .
The commission would be less of an impartial referee and more of an active player in domestic politics .
If you have even a slim chance with this woman , there is some benefit from letting the other referee call the foul .
Referee kevin wright handled the situation superbly and liaised with police and the tv crew and still ensured there was a 15-minute half time to allow spectators to get their refreshments .
It was a tough call for referee phil dowd to make , and perhaps understandable that he pointed to the spot especially as he 'd turned down two penalty appeals from city in the minutes preceding .
Argentina vs. nigeria : referee wolfgang stark did not see an argentine player holding a nigerian opponent while gabriel heinze scored the only goal of the game .