

n.卷轴( reel的名词复数 );卷盘;卷筒;绕在卷轴上的线(或金属丝、胶卷等)
v.把东西用卷轴卷起来,从卷轴上放出来( reel的第三人称单数 );感到震惊;发昏;似乎在不停旋转

reels 变化形式

易混淆的单词: REELS

reels 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Reels of data had been collected on the audio and visual output of the gossamers and hundreds of linguists had pored over them with no results .
You need to learn about things like hand rods , reels , floating line , leaders and flies .
They manually put wool into the hackle that combs and winds it round on special reels .
They wanted to see our fishing equipment , rods , reels and bait .
These games involve more than simply pressing a button and waiting to see whether the reels align .
The last twenty years have seen a surge of nostalgia , and it is fascinating to see the designs appearing that imitate reels of a century ago .
The yen 's recent surge , which came even as japan reels from a natural disaster and the potential of a nuclear meltdown , points to the difficulty central banks face in stopping a global market trend in its tracks .
The projection booth and its whirring reels and lights are fully visible : part of the museum 's mission is to examine the process of animation .
You have borrowed , on behalf of your class , a recording machine , a microphone , and three reels of tape from the audio lab. they are now due for return . Please give them back in three days .
Through a mixture of photographs , news reels and artefacts we are taken through the abortive uprisings in berlin , hungary and czechoslovakia , through to the strikes at gdansk ( 1970 , 1976 and 1980 ) and the formation of solidarity , the free trade union .