
n.(美国加州产的高大的)红杉( redwood的名词复数 )
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- For those far removed from biology class , redwoods do reproduce sexually , albeit not very sexily .
- 事实上,红杉也是通过有性繁殖来产生下一代,虽然其过程来得不如其他生物性感。
- By the mid 20th century , only one redwood survived and this single tree is the source of all the redwoods known in cultivation today .
- 到20世纪中叶,只有一棵圣赫勒拿岛红杉幸存,而这一棵树是今天所有已知的栽培红杉的来源。
- But he questioned whether the ancient redwoods were really the best type of tree to be cloning .
- 但是他质疑古红杉是否是进行克隆的最好树种。
- Not everyone agrees that cloning represents the most effective way to preserve redwoods .
- 不是每个人都同意克隆法是保护红杉的最有效的方法。
- I like this tree . The people who discovered it have never revealed its true location , which is somewhere in humboldt redwoods state park .
- 我喜欢这棵树,发现这棵树的人没有透露它的确切位置,只说在洪堡红杉林州立公园的一个地方。
- Average mature redwoods stand between 200 to 240 feet tall and have diameters of 10 to 15 feet .
- 成熟红杉平均200至240英尺高,直径为10到15英尺。
- For this project , mr. taylor has been looking both high and low , collecting basal sprouts from the stumps of old redwoods , which were heavily logged in the 20th century .
- 为了开展这个项目,泰勒先生遍寻大小红杉,从古树树桩上采集树芽,红杉在20世纪遭到了严重的砍伐。
- Horticulturists and genetic engineers plan to use the samples from the marin county redwoods to see which of several techniques - some traditional , some cutting-edge - work best to reproduce the trees .
- 园艺家和遗传工程师计划使用来自马林县的红杉样本研究一下,看看是传统的方法还是尖端的方法能更好地繁殖这些树木。
- Some experts estimate that only about 5 percent of the native old-growth redwoods remain making them devilishly hard to find . Redwoods are typically hidden in remote areas of northern california and southern oregon .
- 专家估计,只有5%的原生古红杉依然健在,它们一般隐匿在北加州和俄勒冈南部偏远的乡野,很难找到。
- Ms. millar echoed that , saying that it would be a better idea to plant " more cosmopolitan " trees than redwoods , able to live in more widespread and challenging areas .
- 米勒女士同意这种观点,说种植“更普遍的”树种而不是红杉是更好的点子,它们可以在更广泛更艰苦的地域生长。