Premature fiscal repairs could jeopardise the recovery , as america learned in 1937 and japan rediscovered 60 years later .
A reunited germany rediscovered its national interests , which no longer needed to be systematically set in a european framework implying french agreement .
Reflecting a strong desire to demonstrate tokyo 's rediscovered fondness for washington , the u.s. was mr. abe 's choice as his first overseas destination after taking office last month .
Additionally , the ease of sharing music creates communities across social networks and many older music fans have rediscovered the songs of their youth .
By his own efforts he rediscovered cartesian geometry , seeing in principle how planetary orbits could be calculated .
In the past two years of opposition , it has rediscovered one great strength , a belief in small government that george bush foolishly shed .
Huber had rediscovered a recipe book from the royal convent of jesus maria in mexico city , in which was the formula for cocoa infused with an assortment of spices .