
Amanda 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Her sister lissa said she could not imagine what amanda was going through .
- 她的姐姐利萨说,她无法想象阿曼达正在经历着什么。
- Amanda : so that 's why you never have time to do anything anymore .
- 阿曼达:所以这就是你永远没有时间做别的事情的原因。
- Tim is described by his wife amanda as " gentle " and loving .
- 阿曼达用“温柔”和亲爱的来描述自己的丈夫提姆。
- Tribune reporter azam ahmed and freelance reporters amanda marrazzo and jack mccarthy contributed to this report .
- 论坛报记者阿扎姆艾哈迈德,自由记者阿曼达马拉佐和杰克麦卡锡为您报导。
- The suit was filed jan. 19 in federal court on behalf of amanda obney of california .
- 加州的阿曼达.欧贝妮于于1月19日在联邦法庭提起该诉讼。
- Hello , this is amanda joyce , good friend of maxine landis and wife of kevin joyce .
- 你好,我是阿曼达乔伊斯,玛克辛的朋友,同时也是凯文乔伊斯的妻子。
- When school ended , amanda took a job babysitting nathaniel , the boy with the red handprint .
- 当学校工作结束后,阿曼达接了一个照顾纳撒尼尔的保姆工作,就是那个红手印的男孩。
- At lunchtime , the principal asked amanda to step into her office .
- 午饭时间,校长叫阿曼达去她的办公室。
- In addition , amanda knox is appealing a conviction for slandering her former boss at the time of the murder .
- 此外,阿曼达诺克斯还受到一项罪名指控,声称她在谋杀发生的时期诽谤其以前的老板。
- Amanda p. , a 28-year-old single woman , returns home to london after a work trip to america .
- 28岁的单身女性阿曼达p去美国出差回到伦敦。