


redirection 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The specified port already used for redirection . Please use a different port .
- 指定的端口已经作为重定向使用。请使用一个不同的端口。
- Redirection is a bit like using martial arts .
- 改变方向,这就有点像使用军事艺术。
- This time I was intrigued by lincoln 's faith - and how he read the book of job when he needed redirection .
- 我总会被林肯先生的信仰所鼓舞-当他需要指路人的时候他会读约伯的书。
- Import shipment redirection service fee will be billed by cash or outbound 60 account of consignee .
- 进口货件截件改派服务费以现金或收件人之出口60帐号结算。
- This request requires buffering of data for authentication or redirection to be successful .
- 此要求需要料,才能成功或重新向。
- So I wouldn 't say that our redirection of search to hong kong has in any way hindered us .
- 因此,我并不认为我们将搜寻引擎迁至香港对我们造成了任何阻碍。
- I want to suggest that such a redirection need not be that difficult .
- 以我之见,这种转向并非那么困难。
- Plugins that manage 301 redirects automatically like redirection .
- 自动管理301转跳的插件,像redirection插件
- This redirection allows users to access their mail files without needing to know the name of the file or mail server .
- 这种重定向允许用户访问不同服务器的邮件文件,而无需知道文件或邮件服务器的名称。
- You can also use them in the logon page handler to avoid having to explicitly code the redirection .
- 还可以在登录页处理程序中使用它们,这样便无需对重定向进行显式编码。