The bike 's handlebars got jammed into the coach 's metal base and speared long , opening a fissure from his belly button to his rectum .
Pelvic nerve - transmits from the vagina and cervix in women and from the rectum in both sexes
The other end is then attached to a radiotherapy machine and radiation is administered , through the tube , directly into the cancer tissue in the rectum .
The penetration could be through the sides , through the rectum , through the vagina , or through the mouth .
The prince himself narrowly survived a particularly messy assassination attempt , when al-qaeda tricked him into meeting a supposedly repentant operative who had concealed a suicide-bomb in his rectum .
Some lubes are petroleum based and not only do they destroy latex condoms , they stain the sheets , are difficult to wash off after sex and can irritate the vagina and rectum .
A colonic is similar to an enema because it does involve pumping liquid into the rectum , but during this procedure , the liquid and the fecal matter are physically removed from the bowels using a tube .
The intestine is a long , tubular organ consisting of the small intestine , the colon ( large intestine ) and the rectum , which is the last part of the colon .
It lies in front of the rectum , sits just below the bladder where urine is stored , and surrounds the tube that carries urine from the body ( urethra ) .
When sitting on a traditional chair the bladder , ovaries , uterus , vagina , prostate and rectum are inside a pressure field , and that will diminish the wellbeing of these organs .