
recruited是什么意思,recruited的意思是 recruit的过去式和过去分词 );吸收某人为新成员;动员…(提供帮助);雇用

recruited 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Goldman has this year recruited or relocated a further 15 senior bankers to its securities division in asia .
As is its standard practice , paddy power recruited experts in the field and fed their thoughts into a computer model to generate the initial odds .
Although people are recruited to join corporations or sports teams , the main meaning of recruit seems to have a military connotation to it .
In less than two years , he has recruited about 18 postdoctoral fellows , almost all from the united states .
The workforce will have to become more diverse , too , to ensure both that talent is recruited wherever it can be found , and that the products being made are attractive to foreign markets .
With a heavy heart , I walked into the office that day and politely explained to the lady who had recruited me that I was no longer interested in teaching there .
Tekosin bulca , a fellow suspect , said that she had been recruited to seduce bdp members and report on their activities .
I have recruited a sales person whose job is to represent our business to senior types in banks .
The employee selection process . The type of person recruited by an organisation reflects and reinforces its culture .
The researchers recruited 18 college students for their study , half of whom were non-smokers . The other half smoked less than a pack a week and had not smoked for at least two days before undergoing testing .