
v.改正,矫正( rectify的第三人称单数 );精馏
rectifies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Arrive by chaos treat -- tubal order processing rectifies countrywide mine 5 years to answer eye .
- 由乱到治全国矿管秩序治理整顿5年回眸。
- Hubei province rectifies mineral products resource to administer order in the round .
- 湖北省全面整顿矿产资源治理秩序。
- This article present situation which rectifies through the questionnaire survey research analysis middle school underachiever english study strategy , studies english existence in view of the underachiever the question to propose the corresponding correction strategy .
- 本文通过问卷调查研究分析中学后进生英语学习策略矫正的现状,针对后进生学习英语存在的问题提出相应的矫正策略。
- Perform surgery rectifies jaw operation suddenly before asking the maxilla bone please how long to want .
- 请问上颌骨前突做外科正颌手术要多久。
- The new situation and the stern situation become us to consummate the catalyst which the minor community rectifies .
- 新的情况和严峻的形势成为我们完善未成年人社区矫正的催化剂。
- Let him know everyone can make mistakes , the key is rectifies .
- 让他知道人人都有可能犯错,关键是知错能改.
- The white rabbit quilt star rectifies dead process .
- 白兔被明星整死的过程。
- Supplier product quality monitors and rectifies and reforms tracking .
- 供应商产品质量监控与整改跟踪。
- Our country 's actual population policy is always disputed , many regions make some rectifies according to their facts .
- 摘要我国现行的人口政策一直受到争议,很多地区根据的实际情况进行了适当的调整。
- In several days after can going from old farmer , that bmw rectifies day laugh not was over , very abnormal .
- 可从老农走了之后的数日里,那匹宝马整日笑个没完,很不正常。