
v.回忆起( recall的现在分词 );使想起;使想到;勾起
recalling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She and tabby were waiting outside of class for me , both giggling and recalling the moment .
- 她和塔比在教室外等着我,正咯咯笑着回顾着那个瞬间。
- Because you know you will be recalling your day later , you pay more attention to details throughout the day .
- 因为你知道稍后你将回忆你的一天,所以你会一整天都更加注意细节。
- Carmakers that only weeks ago cut shifts and working hours are now thought to be considering recalling workers .
- 仅仅在几周前还在减少班次和工时的汽车厂如今已经在考虑要重新召回工人了。
- I was just recalling how , about a year ago , my country was swept up in a spasm of self-congratulation .
- 我正好回忆起大约一年前,我们的国家曾如何被一股沾沾自喜的潮流席卷。
- After recalling the nightmare in detail , the dreamer writes out the new script and envisions it several times a day .
- 在回想起噩梦的细节后,做梦的人写出新的剧本,并在一天中想象几遍。
- Gackenbach eventually replicated her findings about lucid dreaming and video games several times with college students as subjects , and refined her methods by controlling for factors such as frequency of recalling dreams .
- gackenbach最终多次以大学学生为研究对象重复了关于清醒梦境和视频游戏的发现,通过控制诸如回忆梦的频率等因素的方法来进行改进。
- Recalling the style is not missing , you do not find .
- 失踪忆的体例没有,你也别找了。
- Once had innumerable recalling , each recalls has you .
- 曾有数不清的追忆,每个追忆中有你。
- I have ever heard from some people that when one is approaching the end of life , he is fond of recalling the past .
- 我曾听别人说,当一个人日薄西山时,他喜欢缅怀过去的事情。
- It is worth recalling that a major part of mr obama 's energy plan back then was to create a market in carbon emissions permits .
- 人们应该记起,那时奥巴马能源计划中的一个主要部分,是缔造一个碳排放许可的交易市场。