Nevertheless , the usual complex of corporate-political interests stands ready to thwart any effort to recalibrate pentagon spending .
Mr cameron is right to say that the economic meltdown in the eurozone must lead to profound changes in the structure of the eu and that this offers britain a golden opportunity to recalibrate its relationship .
They will seek to recalibrate an alliance with the us shorn of wartime guilt and postwar dependence .
Interrupting power even for a few hours sometimes forces factories to shut all day , says the boss of a large chemical firm . After a shutdown it can take hours to recalibrate machinery .
That is partly because most businesses loathe uncertainty , and european ones are now having to rejig contracts with foreign suppliers and recalibrate investment plans .
Because structure , and regular contact with regular people , and a method of contributing to a larger group are all things that help us recalibrate ourselves .
Sia 's proposed strategic investment , in theory , remains on the table until august 9 , but inevitably the singaporeans would recalibrate terms .
When canada 's prime minister , stephen harper , prorogued parliament in december for more than two months , to avoid some bothersome debates , he said this was so his minority conservative government could " recalibrate " its policies .