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v.饲养( rear的现在分词 );养育;抚养;抬起

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And beyond mating , many social animals depend upon the cooperation of others for protection , foraging and hunting , or rearing the young .
Cost estimates such as the usda 's exclude ' any intrinsic benefit that parents realize from child rearing , which would be extremely difficult to monetize , ' prof. berger says .
Fukuoka said it is not desirable for expectant mothers to be overweight , but added that the oft-stated idea in japan of ' 'delivering a small baby and rearing it big ' ' is risky .
I realised that rearing children is tremendous training for the job of managing staff , and that having a family can help make you a more humane boss .
When you consider that , according to the un , 18 % of anthropogenic greenhouse gases are caused by the rearing of livestock , it 's not hard to see why cutting back on meat and dairy intake can have a significant impact on reducing your emissions .
At the time , mr. zhang was quoted in state media saying the relaxation wouldn 't cause a fast increase in the population because of the high cost of natal care and child rearing .
Feelings of love could help to keep them happy and content to face the challenges of child rearing .
Both take turns incubating their single egg and defending the nest , and both share duties in rearing the hatchling .
Here he began an intensive strategy of egg-collecting , captive rearing in the bronx zoo , and release .
This involves crop rotation and the rearing of " free-range " livestock which are not force-fed hormones or antibiotics .