

reanalysis 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The implementation program is provided , and the reanalysis method of topology structure after operation pattern change is offered .
- 给出了用邻接表保存配电网拓扑结构的实现程序以及运行方式改变后进行拓扑结构再分析的方法。
- As usual , the numerical computation of structural reanalysis is the main task in the optimal procedure of the structures .
- 在结构优化设计过程中,结构重分析的数值计算常常是主要的工作量。
- Dentification of anthropogenic climate change using a second-generation reanalysis
- 用第二代再分析辨别人为的气候变化
- After reanalysis , analysts removed all but14 columns .
- 经过重新分析,分析员保留了14个字段。
- Can climate trends be calculated from reanalysis data ?
- 从再分析数据能够计算出气候趋势吗?
- This paper presents a structural static reanalysis method .
- 本文提出了一种结构静力重分析方法。
- By using the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data , climate diagnosis method was used to analyze the characteristics of Lanzhou dustfall .
- 利用兰州降尘资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用气候诊断分析的方法对兰州降尘进行分析。
- Boundary discussion of reanalysis and general master-slave relationship
- 重分析边界处理与广义主从控制关系
- Based on the purpose , this thesis introduces the reanalysis and redesign of the whole network configuration of the VDR system .
- 基于此目的,本文对航行数据记录仪的整个系统的网络结构进行了分析和设计。
- the reanalysis of the rule whether a unit repeat offender need to be severely punished by the rule of anticipatory penalty ;
- 以预期刑罚理论对单位累犯是否要从重处罚进行分析;