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- After his brother died , Onan was commanded by God to impregnate his brother ’ s wife .
- 奥南在哥哥死后,主命令他使他哥哥的妻子怀孕。
- A Method of Temperature Rise Calculation for Discrete Type ONAN Transformer
- 分体式全自冷变压器温升的一种计算方法
- but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan .
- 只是珥与俄南死在迦南地。
- The sons of Judah were Er and Onan , but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan .
- 民26:19犹大的儿子是珥和俄南、这珥和俄南、死在迦南地。
- The sons of Judah : Er and Onan ; but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan .
- 19犹大的儿子是珥和俄南;珥和俄南死在迦南地。
- When Er died , Tamar married Er 's younger brother , Onan , but he refused to impregnate her .
- 在珥死了以后,他玛就嫁给了珥的弟弟俄南(Onan),可是俄南拒绝同她怀孕。
- The sons of judah : er and onan and shelah , which three were born to him by bath-shua the canaanitess .
- 犹大的儿子是珥、俄南、示拉,这三人是迦南人拔书亚给他生的。
- More and more large power transformers used to using by pump and fan are cooling by ONAN for economy and environment protecting .
- 由于节能、环保、避免油流带电的需要,原来使用辅机(泵、风机)进行强制换热的大型变压器上越来越多的使用ONAN的冷却方式。
- The sons of judah , ER and onan : and ER and onan had come to their death in the land of canaan .
- 犹大的儿子是珥和俄南。这珥和俄南死在迦南地。
- Inthis image , X - rays from Chandra are shown in blue and are overlaid onan optical image from the Hubble Space Telescope .
- 在这个图像中,钱德拉的X射线以蓝色显示并且以哈勃望远镜的光学成像为背景。