
readouts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He would be able receive readouts of his exact present location that is beamed by a network of twenty four satellites in orbiting around the earth .
- 他能得到他的确切读数目前的位置是喜形于色网24围绕地球轨道运行的卫星.
- All normal readouts for the first three hours and change .
- 开始3小时都正常.
- Here he oversaw a staff of technicians who watched visual monitors , computer readouts , and a telephone switchboard that kept him in contact with the many security personnel he commanded .
- 在这里他监督所有技术人员监视着屏幕,电脑输出以及电话总机,并与所有他手下的安全人员保持联系。
- Let 's collect a few sensor readouts .
- 让我们收集几个传感器读数。
- Do you have any watches with dual city readouts ?
- 有显示两个城市时间的手表吗?
- Researchers then don glasses similar to the cardboard specs used in the increasingly prevalent 3d screens at home and in theaters -- but with much more complex readouts on the other side .
- 研究人员带上眼镜,这些眼镜和日渐盛行的3d家庭影院及电影院里的眼镜很相似,不过有着更复杂的资源解析功能。
- If static electricity from the sample or container is interfering with the weighing procedures ( causing unstable readouts )
- 如果被称量试样或容器上的静电荷影响称重过程(重量读数不稳定)