The main obstacle is a series of five seemingly inconsequential mutations that function like a ratchet in a cog system , allowing motion forward but not back .
This bulky piece acts a bit like a ratchet ; the wheel requires some vibrational energy to get past it .
A pentel sharp ratchet draughting pencil disassembled , showing three 0.5 mm graphite leads .
What is needed is a new status quo to avoid the ratchet effect .
It was a monetary ratchet , in which each cycle ended with much higher debt and much lower interest rates .
Others might find that as a description of the process , the term " ratchet " has an appropriate ring .
This created a ratchet effect : lawmakers who wish to sound tough must propose laws tougher than the ones that the last chap who wanted to sound tough proposed .
Next it 's " ratchet pulls " - the art of being yanked on a wire to make it look like you got blown backward by a shock wave .
Ethnic-minority privileges are a ratchet as well as a racket : given enough lobbying , they are introduced , but are then hard to removed , even if the original grievance has long since been ameliorated .
By translating the properties of a ratchet into game theory , the scientific discipline that seeks to extract rules of nature from the gains and losses observed in games , dr. parrando discovered that two losing games could combine to produce winnings .