英音  ['rækɪŋ]    
美音 ['rækɪŋ]    


v.使痛苦,使焦虑,绞尽脑汁( rack的现在分词 )

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Then I started racking up muslim conflicts . Bosnia , kosovo , russia and uzbekistan added to the tally .
But companies are racking up profits and now have built strong cash positions , and may be ready to hire again .
What else is going to be inspiring people , advancing science , and racking up the youtube hits over the next 11 months ?
As you know , it is racking up record deficits now , and these are expected to total some $ 9 trillion over the next 10 years .
Similarly , investors with a strong emotional reaction to market swings often buy and sell at the wrong time and may trade more , thus racking up hefty investment costs .
He has made most of it surprisingly quickly , racking up the bulk of his billions in just the last three years , thanks in large part to one key customer .
Both sides enlisted some of the top intellectual-property lawyers in the country , racking up tens of millions of dollars in attorneys fees , according to estimates by legal experts .
If you 've been racking your brain trying to solve that creative problem for the last few hours , or days , or weeks and aren 't making much headway , stop !
They then proceeded to earn their way back to solvency and are now ( mostly ) racking up healthy profits .
With every institution racking up hefty losses , there was no appetite for a reprise of the deal struck by alan greenspan to bail out long term capital management , the new york hedge fund that had collapsed 10 years earlier .