Yet in spite of the high rate of abstention , pasok won more votes than new democracy , the conservative opposition .
Although mr fini has courage , he is capable of breathtaking inconsistency-just take the abstention in this week 's vote .
Mahmoud ahmadinejad , iran 's president , will make much of lebanon 's abstention and the no votes of brazil and turkey .
The surprise was not that it balked at sending forces-it is a recent and reluctant participant in such adventures , and even german critics of the abstention think that this intervention is a bad idea .
More worrying for germany 's friends is the feeling that the abstention revealed a changed germany , one of sharp elbows , shallow loyalties and short-sighted reckoning , which will be harder to live with than the more reliable ally of old .
The fli agreed on its abstention policy this week with three other parties , including the union of christian and centre democrats ( udc ) , a conservative opposition group .
Since nato is a consensus organization , an abstention by germany at the u. n.and possible objection from turkey would put in doubt whether agreement on such action is possible .