
v.(鸭子)发出嘎嘎声( quack的现在分词 )
quacking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The eyeless creature with the quacking voice would never be vaporized .
- 那没眼睛的鸭子嗓也不会给蒸发。
- All theducks were on the shore , quacking when otis made his grand entrance .
- 当奥蒂斯隆重登场时,所有的鸭子们都站在岸边,嘎嘎叫着。
- Mr mccain worries that this would turn him into an instant lame duck - " quacking on inauguration day " .
- 麦凯恩担心这样做会使自己立马变成一只跛脚鸭,“在就职之日就发出嘎嘎声”。
- As they reached the river , the mother took over and passed him , jumping in the river and quacking loudly .
- 当他们抵达河流时,母鸭已经赶过了迈克尔,跳进河里,响亮地呱呱叫着。
- The quacking voice from the next table , temporarily silenced during the ministry 's announcement , had started up again , as loud as ever .
- 邻桌那个鸭嗓子,在念富裕部公告的当儿停了片刻,如今又聒噪起来,声音还是那样响。
- Wild duck quacking on the river .
- 河上嘎嘎叫的野鸭。
- The ducks started quacking loudly when we threw them some bread .
- 我们向鸭子扔面包时,它们响亮地嘎嘎叫起来。
- A tremendous quacking and splashing broke out on the surface of the water .
- 水面上猛地发出一声巨大的嘎嘎声和水的泼溅声。
- What are you quacking about ?
- 你叫什么叫?