
v.宣传(某事物)(尤指用广告)( publicize的现在分词 )
Publicizing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At the end of her life , she couldn 't even get enough funding to properly operate the andrei sakharov foundation , which carried out the ongoing task of publicizing the works of sakharov .
- 在她生命快结束的时候,她甚至无法得到足够的资金来正常操作萨哈罗夫基金会,而它承担着继续宣传萨哈罗夫作品的任务。
- The university of california finding suggests employers have more to lose than to gain from publicizing salaries .
- 加州大学的研究结果表明,对雇主来说,公开薪水的结果是失大于得。
- Publicizing immortality not only holds no ground in experience and common sense , as it is common law that one will die one day .
- 直接宣扬永生不仅在经验与常识上站不住脚,因为人终有一死是普遍规律。
- Her offense : displaying unabashed ego by publicizing a list of extreme demands for a boyfriend .
- 她的罪过是:公开找男友的苛刻要求来展示其毫不掩饰的自信。
- Zarqawi , once again , was publicizing his new approach .
- 扎卡维再一次向世界展现他的新战略。
- Although lee has become something of a hero since publicizing his involvement with the open kinect contest , he is reticent .
- 尽管自从李公开他在开源kinect竞赛的参与,他成为了某种意义上的英雄,他依旧沉默如初。
- We recruit ( aggressively , some might think ) guest bloggers are always interested in publicizing different perspectives on digital stewardship .
- 我们招收了客座作者,他们对于发表数字管理领域的不同立场充满了兴趣。
- Questions over funny numbers are even being voiced by state-controlled media , usually the willing accomplices in publicizing questionable figures .
- 甚至是国家控制的媒体,而且经常是那些乐意当同谋发表有问题数据的都对这些可笑的数字提出质疑。
- If mr aso plans further stimulus packages , publicizing them now might only heighten the tooth-pulling pain of passing the current measures .
- 如果麻生先生继续计划刺激方案,那这份计划的公布可能对如今这份草案的通过带来阵痛。
- These include better publicizing the credit ; making it available even to concerns that are not making money , in the form of a direct payout to nonprofits and companies in the red ; and distributing the credit quarterly so that companies see it sooner .
- 这包括:更透明地公布该抵免款项;通过对非营利组织和亏损公司直补,免除它们不能拿到钱的担忧;每季度分发抵免款,使得公司能很快看到好处。