The principal ways to keep the fanily violence within limits are the prophylaxis society and the management according to law .
Effect of treatment and prophylaxis of cefoxitin in surgery .
Has antibiotic prophylaxis been given within the last 60 minutes ?
Antibiotic prophylaxis should be given to all patients having arthroplasty procedures .
As a precaution , I 'm starting your prophylaxis with streptomycin .
Dr martin kaltenpoth describes how this is the first known example of non-human animals using a combination prophylaxis strategy similar to the one used in human medicine .
Circular of the ministry of finance on the relevant issues concerning the policies on subsidies granted for prophylaxis and treatment of atypical pneumonia .
Conclusion : the quantitative acupunctune manipulation has a significant effect on aqueous humor dynamics and it is one of effective methods for prophylaxis and treatment of glaucoma .
The need for prophylaxis / treatment with potassium iodide will be determined by officials managing the event , and instructions to potentially exposed populations will be given .