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v.推进( propel的现在分词 );推动;驱动;驱使

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Propelling labour mobility over the next few decades will be huge demographic changes , in particular the ageing and stagnation of populations in developed countries .
The fusion , like the nissan leaf unveiled late last year in paris , relies solely on its lithium-ion battery for propelling the car .
Propelling our people forward in their work are core values .
By withdrawing a much-needed lifeline , it might well be propelling sharp towards eventual bankruptcy .
In recent years , asia 's middle class has boomed , propelling a new wave of consumption across the region .
That would help sustain activity at the turn of the year and in early 2010 , fully propelling the economy out of the downturn .
But the big fashion houses and leading photographers are tiring of the drama that comes with plucking girls as young as 15 from obscurity and propelling them to sudden stardom .
While a currency may perform such functions in sequence en route to achieving global status , it is through the collective impact of all four functions that economies of scale are created -- sufficiently lowering transaction costs and propelling a currency into widespread use .
Although the masses of the people are the propelling force of history , they can take their position and play their role as the independent propelling force of history , awakened and organized , only under the correct leadership of the party and the leader .
Riot has also invested millions of dollars in electronic sports , or e-sports , turning league of legends into an international spectator sport and propelling professional gaming into the stratosphere with huge numbers of live-streams .